Oceus is a telecommunication company that provides custom broaband solutions for government and enterprise customers across the globe. I worked as a software engineer for their Xiphos and Device teams. I contributed to the development of the REST API, React application, automated Jenkins builds, and wrote a small system process to manage an LTE modem. I continued the development of their React application, did development for the REST API, and developed background proceses to manage a network connection on a raspberry pi via modem.
C++ Python Go React Linux
Oceus is a telecommunication company that provides custom broaband solutions for government and enterprise customers across the globe. I worked as a software engineer for their Xiphos and Device teams. I contributed to the development of the REST API, React application, automated Jenkins builds, and wrote a small system process to manage an LTE modem. I continued the development of their React application, did development for the REST API, and developed background proceses to manage a network connection on a raspberry pi via modem.
C++ Python Go React Linux
DXC is an end-to-end IT service company. It was here that I finally transitioned from Windows to Linux. I finally
Java Documentation Linux
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt, purus eget convallis fermentum, massa nisl finibus augue, vel vulputate lectus lectus vel massa. In suscipit a tortor id gravida. Proin maximus tempor convallis. Proin sagittis ipsum in dolor gravida consectetur nec faucibus tellus. Morbi ac mauris ex. Donec sapien urna, malesuada vitae est nec, tincidunt semper nulla. Aliquam suscipit orci nibh, mattis dapibus ligula ultrices non. Mauris faucibus sodales tellus in congue. Ut molestie nibh luctus leo eleifend, quis congue quam iaculis.
Communication Research Windows
Sed velit risus, imperdiet sodales ultricies sed, luctus sit amet nisl. Quisque molestie tincidunt risus a condimentum. Phasellus a fermentum est, id pharetra dolor. Vestibulum dolor erat, sagittis hendrerit egestas id, hendrerit vel augue. In venenatis congue massa a blandit. Maecenas tempor eget nulla eleifend viverra. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse faucibus luctus nisl eu scelerisque. Mauris efficitur molestie feugiat. Quisque quis sem quam.
Administration Hardware Windows